22 - 23 October 2025
Palexpo, Geneva


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Rachel Chilton

Rachel Chilton

Deputy Industry Liaison & Deputy Communications Director, USAID
Rafael I Merchan

Rafael I Merchan

Chief of Party - Horizons Initiative, Catholic Relief Services Guatemala
Rajat Gour

Rajat Gour

Fundraising Head, Narayan Seva Sansthan
Ramesh Rajasingham

Ramesh Rajasingham

Director, Coordination Division, UN OCHA
Rebecca Maudling

Rebecca Maudling

Co-Founder, ILS
Regina Schmidt

Regina Schmidt

Head of SDG2 Accelerator, UN WFP Innovation Accelerator
Reza Fazel

Reza Fazel

Associate Partner & Humanitarian Practice Lead, Open Capital Advisors
Richard Blewitt

Richard Blewitt

Executive Director International, British Red Cross
Richard Kneller

Richard Kneller

Strategic Advisor, Supply Chain, DG Echo
Riing Garwech

Riing Garwech

National Director, Child's Destiny & Development Organisation (CHIDDO)
Rishi Jha

Rishi Jha

Global Communications & Outreach Coordinator, iMMAP Inc.
Rosanna Le-Voir

Rosanna Le-Voir

PhD Candidate, London School of Economics
Rose Van Steijn

Rose Van Steijn

Development Director, Fleet Forum
Ruchin Singh

Ruchin Singh

COO / Managing Director, Rumsan
Rupert Gill

Rupert Gill

Equipment Quality & Development Manager, Oxfam
Ruth Matoya

Ruth Matoya

Psychologist, The KonTerra Group

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