In tough economic times, agencies are increasingly relying on new innovations that will save them time and money to counterbalance their shrinking budgets and resource pools. The Aid Innovation Challenge seeks to find the latest innovation to help improve humanitarian aid delivery.
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The Pak Flat Tank is a simple, practical and cost-effective global solution to cumbersome water tanks and water aid inefficiency. Storing 1,000 litres of water at a lightweight of just 23kg, the Pak Flat arrives neatly flat-packed in a 1155 x 1130 x 125mm cardboard box, requiring no specialist tools or technical knowledge to assemble. The Pak Flat reduces logistic costs by 85% and can deliver 400,000 litres of water via one shipping pallet. Assembly onsite is easy with the Pak Flat and is designed for transportability as it is light enough to be carried by one to two people. This means that there are very few places in the world the Pak Flat can’t go.
The product endeavours to provide a solution to address the growing need for improved access and storage of clean water across the developing world. The simplicity of the design, affordability and the ability to be delivered to just about anywhere in the world, represents a micro solution with macro impact. Pak Flat provides an immediate water storage solution to humanitarian development projects, drought relief and climate change and disaster relief.