22 - 23 October 2025
Palexpo, Geneva


Direct Aid


Direct Aid Association (formerly African Muslims Agency) started its activities in 1981 as a voluntary non-governmental organization interested in developing the most needy places in Africa. DA performs its work in a scientific manner, and does not consider helping individual cases, and is interested in all forms of education as an essential means to change the tragic situation of human beings in Africa, raising the slogan of (education is a legitimate right for every child in Africa). After eighteen years of continuous giving, the name (Direct Aid Association) was adopted instead of (African Muslims Agency) on Monday, 17/05/1999 due to the expansion of its work and scope of its charitable projects. In its pursuit for leadership, DA was one of the first charities in the Islamic world that revived sunnah of the Prophet, peace be upon him, in establishing small endowment projects. Focusing on development projects that achieve sustainability, DA aims to carry out development work for the disadvantaged communities, targeting the most needy social groups, the sick, orphans, victims of disasters and famines, and doing all activities of righteousness and goodness.


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