Riing Garwech
National Director,
Child's Destiny & Development Organisation (CHIDDO)
Riing is an educationalist/trained teacher by profession with 11 years of work experience in teaching profession and educational management. He is a graduate with Bachelor of Arts in education and Master of Education in Educational Planning, Policy and Management. He is currently the National Director and founder of Child’s Destiny and Development Organization (CHIDDO). Prior to his role at CHIDDO, He worked at State Ministry of Education as Deputy Director for Development Partners, Supervisor for Teacher Education & Professional Development. He joined the humanitarian and development work in educational positions within INGOs and NNGOs in South Sudan. Riing had exceled in networking, coordination and communication skills and connected CHIDDO to be a member of many national, regional and international networks, coalitions and child rights bodies such as Child Right Coalition in South Sudan, Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, Global Partnership to End Child Marriage, ECPAT International, Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR), Consortium for Street Children, School Meals Coalition, ISPCAN, INEE, NNGO Representative to ICCG, South Sudan NGO Forum Localization Working Group, Pledge for Change (P4C), Charter for Charge (C4C). Riing participated in global and regional platforms and meetings on localization initiatives such as Grand Bargain, Pledge for Change (P4C). He is the Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance) Champion in South Sudan, a member of NEAR African Regional Localization Lab.