John Ede
Chief Executive Officer & President,
Ohaha Family Foundation
John Ede is President/CEO at Ohaha Family Foundation, where he is responsible for organizational leadership, policy, programmes and partners management delivering social protection and climate action to alleviate human sufferings in developing countries, emergencies and conflicts contexts. Over the past two decades he focuses on developing policies, promote advocacy, advancing programmes for safe delivery of humanitarian actions. He champions localization co-chairing the charter4change Climate & Environment working group, member of the IASC TF-3, the Grand Bargain Localization Workstream, Spotlight Initiative African Regional Programme Steering committee, convened the Grand Bargain Country Level Dialogue, chaired, and speaker at various highlevel events including the Spotlight Initiative, led the African Delegation to CCHN World summit on frontline humanitarian negotiation, Africa Union Humanitarian and Pledging summit, HNPW, UNDSS Security Symposium, UNODC dialogues and Consultations, EU Delegation to New York discussion series, AidEx Africa and AidEx Geneva, GISF workshops for Africa, CHS Alliance workshops. Throughout his career, he obtained several outstanding certificates from University of Geneva, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, George Washington University, UNDSS, UNODC, UNHCR, UNICEF, The Clingendael Academy.