Ahmed Mohamed
Deputy Director & Head of programs,
Save Somali Women & Children
Ahmed Abdinasir Mohamed is the Deputy Director, Head of Programs at Save Somali Women and Children. His dedication to humanitarian activism has granted him grow from a junior field officer to the Deputy Director, Head of programs in SSWC. Ahmed holds B A in Development studies and Masters in International Studies.
Program Management specialist with over 13 years of Progressive experience in Project Management involving, Program design, needs assessment, program and budget planning, Implementation, Monitoring, Reporting, Networking, Follow-up and Evaluation both at National and International level. Humanitarian and Development service sectors administered include but not limited to Protection, Food security and Livelihood, Governance and peace building, Education, Health, Water and Sanitation, Shelter & Infrastructure, Community Resilience, Emergencies, Environmental Conservation and Community Driven Development (CDD).
Ahmed is passionate about the localization course and involves in all levels of the localization discussion in Somalia and globally. He served as the chair of the localization working group under the Somali NGO consortium which brings together all NGOs in Somalia to push the localization agenda and grand bargain commitment.
He has also been a member of the localization task force comprising representatives of 1 National actor, 1 INGO, Donors and UN agencies.
Nominated as a co facilitator for dialogue processes about localization in Somalia by the ‘’localization workstream’’ of the Grand Bargain.
Serving as an advisory board member of the UN Somali humanitarian pool fund in Somalia which has tremendously improved local actors funding over the years.
Served as a member of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) Steering Group which is the reference group at global IASC level for the HPC process representing national NGOs.
Co-founder of the Nexus consortium in Somalia which is aimed at influencing system change, amplifying local voices and improving quality of programming.